Gluten Sensitivity

Gluten sensitivity; It is a reaction to gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley, just as in celiac disease. Gluten sensitivity can cause a wide variety of symptoms, from gastrointestinal issues, headaches, brain fog, neuropathy and depression. Also known as non-celiac gluten sensitivity, it is a relatively newly recognized condition diagnosed based on the elimination of other conditions.

People who test negative for gluten sensitivity for celiac disease but who have recovered from fatigue, digestive complaints, and neurological problems after removing gluten from their diet are often gluten intolerant.

The exact mechanisms behind gluten sensitivity are not fully understood. While gluten seems to be the main culprit, other components of grains such as fructans and amylase-trypsin inhibitors may play a role in this situation. Regardless of the exact cause, people with gluten sensitivity should follow a gluten-free diet for treatment.

Although the causes and risk factors of non-celiac gluten sensitivity are unclear, research continues today. Unlike celiac disease, it does not have the typical markers or intestinal damage used to diagnose this autoimmune disorder. Additionally, unlike a gluten allergy, it does not have markers of an allergic disorder. By definition, this condition can be triggered by gluten protein or other compounds found in gluten-containing grains wheat, barley, and rye when responding to a gluten-free diet.

Symptoms of gluten sensitivity can be seen as follows:

  • bloating and gas
  • Stomach ache
  • Diarrhea
  • balance problems
  • Feelings of exhaustion or weakness
  • Conscious blackout.

Treatments for gluten sensitivity are a gluten-free diet. Grains to be avoided on a gluten-free diet include all types of wheat, including whole wheat, durum wheat, wheat berries, graham, and bulgur.

Sometimes, people with gluten sensitivity may accidentally consume gluten-containing foods or medications. There is no mandatory labeling for gluten-containing products. Instead, a person with gluten sensitivity should read the ingredients and know which food ingredients contain gluten. If you have accidentally consumed anything containing gluten, you should drink plenty of water and continue your gluten-free diet.