Does Gluten Make You Gain Weight?

Before starting a gluten-free diet, “Does gluten cause weight gain?” You may be thinking. Let's clear the question marks in your mind and give a short answer; gluten makes you gain weight.

You may experience weight loss while eating gluten-free. We can say that weight loss occurs only because quitting gluten reduces calories. Weight loss occurs when eating gluten-free, as we replace gluten-containing foods with more nutrient-dense vegetables, fruits, and other whole foods on a gluten-free diet.

Hormonal imbalances, a damaged gut, and many other gluten-related issues can contribute to weight gain. Gluten makes you gain weight, and we will tell you how gluten makes you gain weight.

Gluten contains a protein with the bulky name zonulin, which damages the tight junctions in your gut. Things that aren't meant to slip through your gut wall suddenly pass and create an immune response. Delayed reactions, which can occur hours or days later, include fatigue, bloating, and other symptoms that contribute to weight gain.

Gluten can trigger inflammation in any tissue, which is your body's way of fighting off what it sees as a foreign invader. In addition to contributing to almost every disease imaginable (including diabetes and cancer), inflammation creates a host of issues that stall fat loss, including increased levels of your stress hormone cortisol, increased fluid retention, digestive issues and feeling sluggish.

Many gluten-containing foods have a high glycemic load and raise your blood sugar. Your pancreas responds with insulin, and this lowers blood sugar. Most of the time, this leads to cravings.

Have you ever found yourself eating a can of gluten-containing food out of control or eating toast made with white bread? Ironically, the foods you most react to are the foods you crave the most. Gluten-containing foods constantly create cravings. Therefore you eat too much; gluten makes you gain weight. In addition, gluten can interfere with nutrient absorption. Weight gain occurs due to your gut absorbing nutrients and the lack of various vitamins in your body.

You may have seen those who cannot lose weight due to thyroid. This is because gluten inhibits the thyroid. so when immune antibodies tag gluten to remove it, it also triggers antibodies against your thyroid. In other words, you increase your chances of autoimmune disease when you constantly eat gluten. In summary, gluten causes weight gain and negatively affects our body.