Gluten-Free Bread Factory

Gluten-free breads, especially celiac patients and people with gluten sensitivity are gluten-free nutrition. Our breads made of raw buckwheat flour that does not contain gluten are extremely healthy because they do not contain additives.

Since gluten-free breads made of gluten-free flour are easy to absorb in the intestine, constipation, bloating and other allergic symptoms are not seen when gluten-free bread consumes.

Gluten-Free Bread Varieties

  • Sour Yemek Buckwheat bread,
  • Classıc More Buyer Bread
  • Vegan bread,
  • Poppy bread,
  • Bread with apricot,
  • Bread with donuts,
  • Bread with olives,
  • Sunflower bread,
  • Pumpkin core bread,
  • Walnut bread,
  • Tahini hazelnut bread.

Gluten-Free Snacks

  • Hazelnut cake with almonds,
  • Chocolate Particle Cookie,
  • Pastry with donuts,
  • Dill Pastry,
  • Grape cake

Wholesale Gluten-Free Bread

Many cafes & restaurants and hotels menus offer gluten-free, celiac patients, gluten allergy, sensitivity to people with gluten-free food, dessert, bread menus offer. Businesses who have difficulty in supplying bread have been looking for a Gluten-Free Bread Factory.

As Gluten-Free Bread Factory (, we produce according to the daily needs capacity of the enterprises for the same day for Istanbul, we meet this demand with the same day cargo within the outside of Istanbul.

Athlete Bread: Gluten-Free Bread

Gluten-free breads, which are mentioned as diet bread, have recently become popular with the advice of dietitians and healthy nutritionists to their clients. Gluten-free breads are a kind of carbohydrate -rich bread.

Gluten-free bread order

All of Turkey in general with the same day cargo you want to order gluten-free bread by sending delivery by cargo. Our breads are made of raw buckwheat flour and do not contain any protective additives.