Is There Gluten in Tomato Paste?

Have you ever thought about the essential ingredient in your meals? If you're thinking while reading this, your answer will certainly be ketchup. You know that when following a gluten-free diet or preparing food for someone who follows a gluten-free diet, you need to pay attention to every ingredient. But do you know if there is gluten in ketchup? We have prepared this article to answer your question and to put your mind at ease.

Does Tomato Paste Gluten Content?

Before answering the question of whether ketchup contains gluten, we want to mention that ketchup is made of two different ingredients: tomatoes and peppers. Tomato Paste does not contain gluten. In fact, pepper ketchup is also gluten-free, being plant-based. Of course, there will be points to pay attention to when buying tomato paste. When making your own ketchup at home, you need to make sure that the equipment used during the preparation process does not cause cross-contamination.

Tomato paste do not contain gluten, but you need to carefully examine any product you buy from the shelves to make sure that it is not cross-contaminated and does not contain gluten. As always, there is a possibility of cross-contamination with all foods. So don't blindly buy something just because it says it's tomato sauce and assume it's gluten-free. Always pay attention to the ingredient list, as we always say.

Tomato paste made from tomatoes is typically made from all-natural, gluten-free ingredients, including tomatoes, vegetables, and spices. While most tomato sauce is gluten-free, it's always a good idea to check the nutrition label for any wheat content.

Some brands may use thickening agents in their tomato paste, but the most commonly used ingredient is corn starch. We have previously discussed information about corn and gluten in other articles on Corn is gluten-free, allowing a person without gluten intolerance to enjoy it without worrying about allergic reactions.

However, as with everything in a gluten-free diet, you need to pay attention to additives in ketchup consumption. Tomato paste made from tomatoes or various tomato paste varieties can have different flavors and varieties. From minimal seasoning to ready-to-eat sauces like marinara sauce used for making sauces, the taste and texture are the result of the ingredients that add to the structure.

Flavorings and other flavorings, thickeners, preservatives, and more are used by different companies in different amounts. Therefore, it is always a good idea to carefully read the label when following a gluten-free diet.