Is There Gluten in Coffee? 

Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye, and oats. People with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease need to avoid gluten-containing foods. But what about coffee? Does coffee contain gluten?

The answer is no, coffee does not contain gluten. Coffee beans are a completely gluten-free food. However, some people may experience stomach discomfort or sensitivity to coffee. This is not caused by the coffee itself, but rather the other ingredients added to coffee drinks.Many ingredients that contain gluten are used in coffee drinks. These ingredients can include milk, syrups, flavors, and fillers. As such, people with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease should be careful when selecting coffee drinks and research any ingredients that may contain gluten.

Some coffee shops offer gluten-free options, which may be a safer choice for those with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. However, when there are no gluten-free options available, plain coffee is a safe option.

In conclusion, coffee does not contain gluten. However, the ingredients used in coffee drinks may contain gluten. People with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease should be careful when selecting coffee drinks and research any ingredients that may contain gluten. It is also important for people with a gluten intolerance to speak with a doctor or dietitian to develop a gluten-free diet plan.