What is Gluten?

Gluten is a type of protein found in many cereals such as wheat, triticale, barley, rye and oats. As a component, it is used to strengthen the dough and function in yeast form. It gives an adhesive feeling in the mouth, like a very weak bubble gum, similar to corn starch.

Gluten does not have a specific appearance, color or appearance. Being aware of Gluten resources and typical food types depends on consumers. For example, the sauces are generally darkened through wheat flour. Instead of hoping that the sauce is prepared with corn starch and in case of inability to confirm the sauce materials with the chef or chef, the sauce consumption should be avoided.

People with celiac disease, which is a clinically diagnosed condition, have a serious allergy and sensitivity to the gluten, resulting in inflammation in the lower gastrointestinal tract. People with celiac disease should completely avoid gluten consumption. People with Gluten sensitivity were not clinically diagnosed with celiac disease; However, after gluten intake, they exhibit similar symptoms such as diarrhea, chronic fatigue and headaches that alleviate with the removal of the gluten from the diet.

In recent years, the incidence of diseases such as celiac disease, gluten intolerance and gluten allergy increased; Gluten-free nutrition has been quite preferred with gluten-free products in healthy nutrition. Gluten; Although not for healthy people, it is harmful to people -connected people. The treatment of gluten-related diseases is to create a gluten-free diet. In this way, patients have improved in case of healing. While the gluten-free diet can be healthy, if they are not properly monitored, they may prevent the body from taking the necessary nutrients they need. Gluten-free nutrition requires care and attention. You can find our articles about Gluten-free nutrition from www.josephglutenfree.com

Consumers who want to eat carbohydrate but gluten-free products can choose from various substitutions that are formulated and tagged without gluten. These foods are typically developed using one or more gluten-free grain such as corn, buckwheat, kinoa, rice and some cases of oats, and bread, cake, cake, cracker, pasta and even pizza are made. For more, you can review our www.josephglutenfree.com gluten -free products.