Gluten intolerance Symptoms

Before mentioning the Gluten intolerance symptoms, what is Gluten intolerance, let's see what it is not. This disease, also known as Gluten intolerance or non-celiac gluten sensitivity; It shares some of the same symptoms as celiac disease, but it is less severe. However, gluten intolerance can also cause significant disorders. Therefore, people with Gluten intolerance sometimes use lifestyle changes to manage their symptoms.

Gluten intolerance is usually mixed with celiac disease, but these two are different conditions. Celiac disease is a serious autoimmune disease and can damage the digestive system of the person.

However, unlike celiac disease, it is unclear why gluten intolerance symptoms occur, but it is not seen that it concerns the immune system or damages the gastrointestinal or gastrointestinal system.

Symptoms of Gluten intolerance often occur long after Gluten consumption. However, the observation of symptoms may vary from person to person.

People with Gluten intolerance are the following symptoms as some of the most common symptoms when they add gluten foods to their normal diets:

· Diarrhea and constipation: Symptoms of Gluten intolerance may contain constipation, fatigue, headache and nausea.

· Blaming: Another common symptom that people report in cases of gluten intolerance is bloating. This refers to a disturbing and permanent stomach occupancy. It is also common to feel the accumulation of gas.

· Abdominal pain: Similarly, several different causes can lead to abdominal pain. However, those who report gluten intolerance often say that they often experience abdominal pain and without any other obvious cause.

· Fatigue: People with Gluten intolerance may have permanent feelings of fatigue that disrupt daily functioning.

· Nausea: People with Gluten intolerance may experience nausea after consuming a food containing gluten. There may be many causes of nausea, but if it often occurs after gluten eating, it may be a sign of gluten intolerance.

People with Gluten intolerance can live a few of these symptoms regularly. Although it is less common, it is also possible for other symptoms to emerge with gluten intolerance:

  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Bluries of consciousness, confusion
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Anemia

If you show the symptoms, you should switch to gluten-free diet with the expert.