Gluten Sensitivity Diet

Gluten sensitivity diet is a diet that people who are sensitive to gluten should be applied. People with Gluten sensitivity are not as affected by celiac patients with gluten -containing foods. However, there are still points to be considered. Now we will examine together what Gluten Sensitivity Diet should be, what should be considered.

What is Gluten Sensitivity?

Gluten sensitivity or non -celiac Gluten sensitivity is an immune response developed against gluten with similar symptoms seen in people with celiac disease. However, people with gluten sensitivity or non -celiac Gluten sensitivity do not create the same antibodies or immune response as someone with celiac disease and are therefore not exposed to intestinal damage. In short, Gluten sensitivity or non -celiac gluten sensitivity shows similar symptoms with celiac patients, but they do not face serious problems as celiac disease.

Non -celiac gluten sensitivity or gluten sensitivity is manifested by non -specific symptoms that appear both in the intestine and out of the intestine and similar to celiac disease and wheat allergy symptoms. Gluten sensitivity diagnosis, celiac disease and wheat allergies are released according to the response to the gluten -free diet.

Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms

Symptoms of Gluten sensitivity contain the same symptoms as early celiac disease. At the same time, the symptoms of other gluten -related diseases due to gluten consumption are the same. Symptoms of Gluten Sensitivity occur with symptoms such as abdominal pain, fatigue, headache, redness of the skin or mental confusion, also known as foggy mind or brain. However, neither celiac disease nor wheat allergy is available in these cases. When these patients avoid gluten, their symptoms improve within a few weeks; The symptoms repeat back when exposed to gluten again. Therefore, people with Gluten sensitivity should make Gluten sensitivity diet.

Gluten sensitivity is a digestive disorder that a person refers to the symptoms that affect the digestive system such as diarrhea, bloating or gas against gluten. Most people with this sensitivity experience mild symptoms and disorders. However, in some, this reaction may lead to impaired absorption of important nutrients such as vitamin B12, which may explain the fatigue reported by these patients. Gluten sensitivity is currently labeled as non -celiac Gluten sensitivity. Since the changes in blood tests and intestinal biopsies are more uncertain and difficult to detect, it may be more difficult to diagnose non -celiac gluten sensitivity than celiac disease. Therefore, it usually requires more detailed and careful tests with highly sensitive tests.

Since many patients who seem to have gluten -related discomfort symptoms may actually have wheat intolerance or other food intolerance forms, Gluten sensitivity is important to make a precise diagnosis of non -celiac gluten sensitivity. When we say wheat or other food intolerance, it is important to understand that a person develops certain symptoms suspected of being triggered by that food.

In some cases Gluten sensitivity is mixed with wheat sensitivity or wheat sensitivity. People with wheat sensitivity should only remove wheat from their nutrition, but a person with Gluten sensitivity should remove everything from gluten from nutrition.

What is Gluten Sensitivity Diet?

Gluten Sensitivity Diet As explained above; Gluten is a type of diet that people who have a sensitive condition due to consumption should be followed. People with Gluten sensitivity should avoid any food with gluten content.

Even if the symptoms are not very serious, gluten sensitivity adversely affects the digestive system. In the future, Gluten sensitivity diet does not even cause restless bowel syndrome. In addition, Gluten sensitivity symptoms adversely affect daily life.

If you haven't shown any symptoms, if you don't have a family history and more importantly, if you don't have an official diagnosis of gluten sensitivity, it would be a shame to deprive yourself of your favorite sandwich or pasta! It should not be forgotten that wheat and barley, protein and fiber, such as their own nutritional values themselves, and their bodies are dangerous for people who do not like them. Often, if a person feels discomfort after eating certain foods, this is not an allergy, but tolerance. So what is what we call intolerance? Of course Gluten sensitivity. Food intolerance and Gluten sensitivity are usually harmless and can be managed by reducing the total amount of eaten at a time and taking small amounts.

Gluten sensitivity is necessary to manage and stop symptoms such as abdominal pain, headache, fatigue, constipation or diarrhea. Having a symptom every time after consuming gluten is a signal that your body gives you. Not taking this signal into consideration or postponing the gluten sensitivity diet will damage your health.