Lactose-Free and Gluten-Free Nutrition

Did you know that people who experience various diseases due to gluten can also develop a reaction related to lactose? Some people develop gluten intolerance, gluten sensitivity and gluten sensitivity, as well as lactose intolerance. These people should follow a lactose-free and gluten-free diet.

What is a Lactose-Free and Gluten-Free Diet?

Lactose-free and gluten-free nutrition is a diet that should be applied for bodies that react to both lactose and gluten. If you have multiple food allergies or an intolerance to gluten and dairy products, it can be overwhelming to plan healthy and balanced meals. But you can still eat healthy and tasty food with smart meal planning. This gluten and dairy-free, lactose-free and gluten-free diet plan, gluten or dairy products without adding the nutrients that your body needs a balanced meal includes delicious recipes and snack ideas to create a day that will help you get. You'll find plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, and lean protein Decoupled together for some delicious meals. It is only necessary to pay attention to milk and dairy products so as not to provoke lactose intolerance.

What is a Lactose-Free Diet?

Lactose-free diet lactose intolerance or also known as milk intolerance is a digestive problem that means that the body is unable to digest the sugar content found mainly in milk content called lactose. People who are lactose intolerant may experience gas bloating, bouts of diarrhea, a lot of bloating and stomach cramps. The difference between lactose intolerance and milk allergy is that most people find that they can tolerate some amount of lactose, while an allergy can cause an adverse reaction to even a small amount of dairy products. Dec

When fed with lactose content, lactose moves from the intestine to the colon, that is, to the large intestine, carrying extra fluid. In the colon, on the other hand, bacteria break down lactose into lactic acid and certain parts. Lactic acid is a type of acid that acts as an irritant and laxative, thus causing diarrhea. It can cause symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and a feeling of gas or tightness.

In people with certain intestinal disorders, such as Crohn's disease and celiac disease (gluten intolerance, gluten allergy, gluten sensitivity), lactase activity and its level are reduced. Patients taking certain medications and alcoholic patients may also be lactose intolerant. Finally, in patients who have had a part of the stomach or a large part of the small intestine surgically removed, it may be necessary to reduce lactose in a lactose-free and gluten-free diet.

It should be remembered that while lactose intolerance can cause quite unpleasant symptoms, it does not harm the intestine. The goal of this lactose-free and gluten-free diet is to eliminate lactose or reduce it to tolerable levels. However, since the intestines can be damaged in gluten-related diseases, care should also be taken in this situation in a lactose-free diet.

A low-lactose diet usually eliminates only milk and dairy products. However, some can tolerate milk in small quantities (up to 200 grams) throughout the day or as part of a meal. Some can tolerate yogurt, which is made from a small amount of milk. These patients may try to find a lactose level that they can tolerate. Some people can gradually increase their tolerance levels by introducing or continuing to consume lactose-containing foods.

Lactose-free diet all lactose products should be excluded from the diet, including foods prepared with milk, both at home and in commercially packaged foods. These people can use completely lactose-free milk or soy milk, almond milk. Labels should always be read carefully.

In the same way with a lactose-free and gluten-free diet, labels should be read carefully. Attention should be paid to foods containing gluten. Experiencing symptoms due to both lactose and gluten can be quite exhausting.

What Can Not be Consumed in Lactose-Free and Gluten-Free Nutrition?

In lactose-free and gluten-free nutrition, all kinds of foods with lactose and gluten content should be avoided. Using lactose-free and lactose-reduced milk and dairy products can help you reduce the amount of lactose in your diet. These lactose-free food products are available in many grocery stores and are just as healthy for you as the nutritional content of regular milk and dairy products. Just Like as  it is, there are many nutritional options and product types that are suitable for your nutrition.

  • Bread and other bakery products such as pancakes, biscuits, cookies and cakes
  • Breakfast cereals, soups, margarine, sauces added to salads and flavored chips and other snack foods
  • Processed meats such as bacon, sausages and lunch meats and deli
  • Milk-based meal replacement liquids and powders, smoothie types and protein powders and bars
  • Non-dairy liquid and powdered coffee creams and non-dairy whipped ingredients

In lactose-free and gluten-free nutrition, you should stay away from those listed above. To get detailed information  you can also read our other articles found here.