Who Is Gluten Harmful To?

The gluten-free diet may be the biggest health trend of the past decade, but there is confusion as to whether gluten is a problem for everyone or just for those with certain medical conditions. Although a gluten-free diet is for everyone, some people should definitely not consume gluten. Who is gluten harmful to? Obviously, some people should avoid it for health reasons, such as those with celiac disease or intolerance.

However, many in the health and wellness world recommend that everyone should follow a gluten-free diet, regardless of whether they have any issues. This has led many people to give up gluten in hopes of improving their mental health or becoming physically healthier for the purpose of losing weight.

Celiac disease, a condition that affects the body's ability to break down certain foods, and gluten consumption can make people with celiac disease very sick. Gluten should be avoided as gluten is harmful to these patients. With a permanent gluten-free diet, the harms of gluten can be eliminated.

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity, also called gluten-sensitive celiac disease or gluten intolerance, has symptoms similar to celiac disease, but without accompanying high antibody levels and intestinal damage. Gluten is also harmful for these patients. This disease is diagnosed based on the condition of symptoms and a negative test for celiac disease.

People with gluten sensitivity have similar symptoms such as abdominal pain, feeling tired or headaches, but without the more serious consequences of intestinal damage or celiac disease. However, a gluten-free diet will relieve symptoms.

dermatitis herpetiformis; It is a skin rash disease caused by gluten-related gluten consumption. Gluten is also harmful for these patients. People with celiac disease can also have dermatitis herpetiformis, but people with dermatitis herpetiformis do not always have celiac disease.

In summary, if we give the answer to the question of who is gluten harmful to; It is harmful for people with celiac disease, skin disease, gluten sensitivity and gluten allergy. Gluten consumption can also be harmful for those who have various intestinal problems. Those who show symptoms such as gluten-related bloating, weakness, and fatigue can also switch to a gluten-free diet.