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Gluten Free Bread Varieties

Bread varieties prepared with gluten-free flour for people with celiac disease, gluten intolerance and gluten allergy.


Gluten diyeti, çölyak hastalığı, gluten duyarlılığı ve sağlıklı beslenme hakkında makaleler.

Frequently asked Questions

While gluten is a specific type of protein, it's a protein you won't find in meat or eggs. Gluten is primarily found in wheat, rye and barley. Eating gluten-free means avoiding these grains. A gluten-free diet is necessary for most people with a gluten allergy or celiac disease, a disease that causes intestinal discomfort when they consume gluten-containing foods.

Gluten is the name given to the group of proteins found in grain products such as wheat, rye, oats and barley. When the proteins called glutenin and gliadin in wheat combine with water, a flexible and gum-like structure is revealed.

When kneaded by adding water to wheat flour, glutenin and gliadin; It allows the flour to hold and combine with water. Gluten forms the basic structure of almost all bakery foods. However, wheat has the highest gluten content.

The effect of gluten is lower in grains such as rye flour, barley or oats. Foods containing gluten can cause serious health problems in some bodies. In this case, gluten intolerance occurs due to the body's inability to tolerate or digest gluten.

Foods containing gluten; often "What is Gluten?" contains the grain products we have explained in our title. However, not only foods such as bread, dough, cakes, but also some types of sauces and even cosmetics contain gluten.

We mentioned that wheat contains gluten. Now, “Does Buckwheat Contain Gluten?” Let's answer the question. It is often wondered whether buckwheat contains gluten. It does not contain gluten. Buckwheat; It can be safely consumed by those with gluten allergy, gluten intolerance and celiac patients.

Recently, the issue of gluten-free life has come to the fore by nutritionists, “Who Should Eat Gluten-Free?” It also brought up the question. Gluten-free diet can be preferred by everyone for a healthier life. However, especially people with gluten intolerance and celiac patients should be fed gluten-free. Eating gluten-free will likely change your food intake.

Some gluten-free breads and cereals have nutrient levels that vary significantly compared to the foods they replace. Some gluten-free foods have more fat and sugar than gluten-containing foods. Reading product ingredients is important not only for gluten, but also for overall nutritional information and incoming calories.

Some people may experience digestive problems or allergic reactions when gluten-containing foods are consumed. These people may have a wheat allergy, gluten intolerance, or celiac disease. People with gluten intolerance, wheat allergy and celiac patients should eat gluten-free.

Gluten allergy manifests differently from celiac disease and gluten intolerance. People with gluten allergy may experience uncomfortable symptoms such as itchy skin, skin rash or flaking, and redness of the skin. While those with gluten allergy usually experience physical allergic reactions, celiac patients do not have a visible allergic reaction.

Gluten intolerance; It is a situation where people react to gluten-containing foods with symptoms such as gas, bloating, weakness, nausea, joint and muscle pain. When gluten-containing foods are consumed, the inability to tolerate gluten by reacting leads to gluten intolerance or advanced celiac disease.

Gluten intolerance, or gluten sensitivity, is the result of your body's consumption of gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, oat, and barley grains. Gluten intolerance can have the same symptoms as celiac disease, but it doesn't cause permanent damage to your small intestine like celiac disease does.

Celiac disease is a reaction of the immune and digestive system to foods when gluten-containing foods are consumed. Consumption of gluten-containing foods by celiac patients damages the small intestine, making it difficult to absorb nutrients.

Celiac patients may experience various symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating when they do not follow a gluten diet. In the case of non-celiac gluten sensitivity, although there is no damage to the small intestine tissues, it causes some of the signs and symptoms associated with celiac disease, such as abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, rash or headache.

Other serious health problems associated with celiac disease can include diabetes, autoimmune thyroid disease, and bowel cancers. There is no cure for celiac disease. People with this disease should be on a gluten-free diet for life. For some people with non-celiac gluten sensitivity, the condition may not last a lifetime.

Some research suggests that you can go on a gluten-free diet for a while and then retest your gluten sensitivity. For people with non-celiac gluten sensitivity, a gluten-free diet may be an indefinite treatment. There are many gluten-free foods available for celiac patients. offers easy access to gluten-free breads made from gluten-free flour for celiac patients.

Celiac patients containing gluten; They cannot consume foods such as bread, pasta and cake made from wheat, rye, oat or barley flour. At the same time, many processed foods are not suitable for the diet of celiac patients. Therefore, celiac patients should consume gluten-free foods. Since soy, corn, potatoes and rice do not contain gluten, celiac patients can consume these foods.

Gluten-free flours; gluten-free flours. Since gluten-free flours do not contain gluten and gliadin substances, they do not cause any complaints in the intestine. Gluten-free flours do not have the flexibility to form dough on their own. With gluten-free flours, dough is usually made with a much more dense or fluid consistency. Therefore, mixtures of various grain flours are used to create gluten-free flour foods that have a consistency that may be the same as wheat flour foods.

Gluten-free bread; It is a type of bread prepared with gluten-free flour for people with celiac disease, gluten intolerance and gluten allergy. People who are sensitive to gluten should consume gluten-free bread. You can examine our gluten-free bread varieties prepared with gluten-free flour at

Gluten-free bread; It is made with gluten-free flours such as quinoa flour, almond flour, coconut flour, buckwheat flour, chickpea flour, soy flour, rice flour, carob flour and corn flour. These flours can be consumed by people with wheat allergy and gluten intolerance, or by people who want to eat healthy, as well as by people with celiac disease. You can find delicious and gluten-free bread varieties at

People who start a gluten-free diet or suffer from gluten-related ailments: “Where can I find gluten-free bread?” goes in search. As the awareness of healthy eating increases and the number of people who encounter gluten-related immune problems in our country has increased, the places where you can find gluten-free bread have also increased. First of all, you should know how to read the ingredients before buying gluten-free bread.

“What flour is gluten-free bread made with?” It is a very important criterion. The flour used must not contain gluten. Breads containing trace amounts of gluten pose a great risk for celiac patients. For this reason, you can order online from wherever you are in Turkey by examining our reliable and completely gluten-free bread varieties.