Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity

Non celiac gluten sensitivity or non-celiac gluten or wheat sensitivity experience symptoms similar to celiac disease, when gluten is removed from the diet of people with remitted. In addition, they do not test October positive for celiac disease. Non celiac gluten sensitivity is similar to celiac disease, but it is not celiac disease in the full sense.

What is Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity?

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity is a disease also known as non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Although this disease often has similar or the same symptoms as celiac disease, it is not as serious as celiac disease.

When some people consume foods with gluten gluten in their diet or content; foggy state of mind, depression, celiac disease similar behavior, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, headache, bone or joint pain and chronic fatigue symptoms you experience, such as in coeliac disease.

Non celiac gluten sensitivity gluten sensitivity celiac gluten sensitivity and wheat colyaksiz non colyaksiz terms of sensitivity, celiac disease and wheat allergy tests were negative after removing gluten from the diet usually used for the diagnosis and definition of in correcting the symptoms of this condition.

Until now, it was thought that people with non-celiac gluten sensitivity only experienced symptoms and did not have any intestinal damage. However, recent studies in this group actually induce an immune reaction in the body section of the wheat on the system published a study that confirms and intestinal cell damage. It is estimated that the affected population is equal to or even more than the number of individuals with celiac disease (the vast majority of whom are in an undiagnosed condition).

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity or non-celiac gluten sensitivity is a poorly understood condition that has recently received a lot of attention from patients, care providers, researchers and the media. Non celiac gluten sensitivity is a condition that produces symptoms similar to those seen in celiac disease, but unlike celiac disease, it is not an autoimmune disease and October does not have a genetic component. This means that when someone with non-celiac gluten sensitivity consumes gluten-containing foods, it will not damage the intestine, but will still produce symptoms.

Non celiac gluten sensitivity common symptoms are mental fatigue (it's also called brain fog) lack of energy or drowsiness, gas, bloating, abdominal pain or cramps, diarrhea, and even constipation. At the moment, it is unclear whether the cause of non-celiac gluten sensitivity is gluten or whether it is a reaction to a certain sugar and chemical component contained in wheat.

Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Diagnosis

Unfortunately, unlike celiac disease, there is no diagnostic test for non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and October, in addition, it is a diagnosis of exclusion. This means that your gastroenterologist will only diagnose you with non-celiac gluten sensitivity if both celiac disease and wheat allergy are ruled out.

Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Treatment

To be tested for celiac disease, consuming gluten is a must. Please do not start a gluten-free diet until you have been tested for both celiac disease and wheat allergy. As with celiac disease, the treatment of non-celiac gluten sensitivity of non-celiac gluten sensitivity is to avoid gluten. However, it is usually not necessary to maintain a gluten-free diet strictly or for as long as with celiac disease. It is important that the patient starts a gluten-free diet only after the diagnosis is confirmed.

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity It has been shown that patients can tolerate a small amount of gluten without developing symptoms. For this reason, a completely gluten-free diet is not a must, as is the case with celiac disease. After one or two years of gluten-free diet, patients with Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity may try to reintroduce small amounts of gluten. In contrast to celiac disease, a strict gluten-free diet is therefore not mandatory in cases of non-celiac diagnosed with gluten sensitivity. A diet with a low gluten content may be enough to prevent symptoms. How much gluten can be eaten without problems should be tested individually. The fact that it is not necessary to maintain a permanent gluten-free diet is a very important difference from celiac disease, which requires strict lifelong maintenance of a gluten-free diet.

Non-celiac People with gluten sensitivity experience similar symptoms seen in celiac disease, but they are more comfortable as a lifestyle. Therefore, there is no need to make a complete lifestyle change. But it is necessary to restrict gluten. As with celiac disease, a lifelong gluten-free diet pattern is not applied. Instead, gluten restriction can be done in foods that are constantly consumed.  you should try the gluten-free bread types that you will order from.