Do celiac patients gain weight?

The subject of celiac disease and weight is one of the most curious issues by celiac patients. Do celiac patients gain weight? Do celiac patients weaken? You can find the answer to your questions in this article.

In celiac disease, weakness can be seen due to the lack of absorption of nutrients by the intestine. People who have diagnosed celiac disease transition to gluten -free nutrition as arapy as the intestinal function will be improved as some weight gain is possible. For this reason, celiac patients can say that we can gain weight.

What can be done to prevent weight gain as a result of the transition to gluten -free nutrition in celiac patients?

  1. You must adjust your portion size. Gluten -free products may contain more calories or nutritional value than gluten -containing products. For this reason, if you are a problem of weight gain in gluten -free diet and you want to maintain your weight, you should keep your portions under control in gluten -free nutrition as well as in healthy diet.
  2. You should increase food consumption with fiber content. Consumption of foods containing fiber helps you feel full for a longer time. You cannot get enough fiber from many of the gluten -free products. However, as mentioned in the articles we have written about gluten -free nutrition, you can meet the fiber needs of your body with the consumption of fruit and vegetables.
  3. When possible, you should select low -fat gluten -free products.
  4. Take care to consume protein resources.
  5. Create a variety of diet. Anyone who consumes a lot of high -calorie products such as pasta, whether gluten -free or normal, will gain weight. If you adjust your portion sizes and create balanced plates, you can prevent it.
  6. Avoid meals containing a single food group.
  7. Pay attention to calories added in recipes or content.
  8. Choose healthy snacks. Eat popcorn instead of gluten -free flushed chips. Instead of gluten -free granola, dried fruits and nuts instead of gluten -free crackers.

Celiac patients can prevent excess weight gain by paying attention to the clues mentioned above. In addition, if you support gluten -free nutrition with exercise, you can help the general health of your body. Gluten -free nutrition is quite healthy and aimed at healing the intestines. If you make sure that the nutrients you consume are made up of balanced and clean content; You will not experience weight gain in your diet.