Which organ does Gluten damage?
Gluten is a type of protein found in cereals such as wheat, barley and rye. Some people cannot tolerate gluten, and this is called "Gluten intolerance". The bodies of people with gluten intolerance are difficult to digest the glutin, which can cause digestive system problems, immune system disorders and other health problems. In this article, we will discuss which organs of gluten can damage.
The effect of gluten damaging the intestines
The bodies of people with gluten intolerance have difficulty in digesting gluten, which can cause damage to the small intestine. This is called "celiac disease". Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease caused by gluten causes damage to the small intestine.
Symptoms of celiac disease are usually related to the digestive system and may include:
- Stomach ache
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Loss of appetite
- Feeling overweight or weak
Celiac disease can also affect the body's ability to absorb nutrients. This may cause nutrient deficiencies, vitamins and mineral deficiency, anemia and other health problems.
The effect of gluten damaging the immune system
People with gluten intolerance may also have the effect of gluten damage the immune system. This is called "gluten sensitivity".
Gluten sensitivity is not as severe as celiac disease, but its symptoms are similar. In people with gluten sensitivity, the body shows the response of the immune system, which can cause inflammation, damage to tissues and other health problems.
The effect of gluten damaging the liver
People with gluten intolerance may also have the effect of gluten damaging the liver. This is called "non -alcoholic fatty liver disease".
Non -alcoholic fatty liver disease is a condition caused by the accumulation of fat in the liver. In people with gluten intolerance, damage in the small intestine may affect the absorption of nutrients in the body, which may cause the liver to accumulate fat. In addition, due to the effect of the immune system, inflammation of the liver cells may also occur.
Non -alcoholic fatty liver disease is usually without symptoms and is often randomly detected. However, in later cases, it may cause serious health problems such as liver damage, cirrhosis and liver cancer.
The effect of gluten damaging the skin
In people with gluten intolerance, gluten's damage to the skin may also be seen. This is called "dermatitis herpetiformis".
Dermatitis is a skin disease that causes symptoms such as herpetiformis, skin redness, blisters and itching. This disease, similar to celiac disease, is due to gluten intolerance. Dermatitis herpetiformis occurs in about 10 %of celiac disease.
The effect of gluten damaging the neurological system
In people with gluten intolerance, gluten's damage to the neurological system may also occur. This is called "Gluten Ataxia".
Gluten Ataxia causes problems with coordination and motion control in the brain. This disease can cause symptoms such as dizziness, loss of balance, weak muscle tone and muscle coordination problems.
The impact of gluten damaging other organs
People with gluten intolerance may have the effect of gluten damage other organs. These include:
Thyroid gland: Thyroid gland diseases are more common in people with Gluten intolerance. This may cause hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
Pankreas: In people with Gluten intolerance, the function of the pancreas may also be affected. This can cause health problems such as diabetes or pancreatitis.
Muscles and bones: In people with gluten intolerance, symptoms such as weakness, pain and osteoporosis may occur in muscles and bones.
As a result, the bodies of people with gluten intolerance have difficulty in digesting gluten, which can cause celiac disease, gluten sensitivity and other health problems. Gluten can damage intestines, immune system, liver, skin, neurological system and other organs. Because of this, it is important that people with Gluten intolerance avoid gluten -containing foods. If a person experiences symptoms of gluten intolerance, he should consult his doctors and have the necessary tests.
In addition, people with Gluten intolerance should be careful in their nutrition and should not consume gluten -containing foods. Gluten -containing foods include bread, pasta, biscuits, cakes, crackers, breakfast crisis, beer, wine and whiskey.
People with Gluten intolerance can consume alternative nutrients, such as other gluten -containing cereals. These cereals include foods such as rice, corn, millet, amarant, quinoa and oats.
As a result, the bodies of people with gluten intolerance can cause various health problems as they cannot tolerate glutin
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